Thursday, 21 November 2013

Sacrificial Chamber Final Concept Tweaks

This is an assortment of different adjustments made to my final concept piece after making the mosaics on the back walls more opaque and adding coloured lighting. Each one is a little bit different and feedback on which seems more suitable or closer to something that is more finished is appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. it's always good to number your thumbs for easy reference! I'm drawn to the centre row - but I think you need to make those back wall mosaics into actual decorative mosaics. Try finding a high-res Byzantine mosaic image and bringing it into your world; use the scale/perspective/distort tools to bed it into your world - then repeat until you've literally 'tiled' the wall with the photos - then use layers controls etc to blend them into your scene. I think your being too timid to actually paint those mosaics so I want you to introduce some photo manipulation as a method now and just work this scene up into something more decorative and ornate. Don't think, just do! I look forward to seeing the results!
